Mona Jebediah Timmon26/ 29.02.2012 Acrylic on canvas 24"x30" Jebediah is one of the original three kerbal-nauts, along with Bill and Bob who wear the orange jump suits instead of the customary grey ones. He is the only kerbal with the attribute badS = True. Short for "badass", this makes Jeb's facial expression and general reaction be "happy" ones in almost all situations which might trigger "afraid" reactions in the typical kerbonaut. Whatever effect his dead-middle ratings for Courage and Stupidity would have on personality are overridden by his sheer badassery. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/120-Ker-baÍ-Space-Program-Fanart?p=l 07907&v¡ewfull = 1 #postl 0 7907
Kerbal Space Program,разное,KSP Art,Мона Лиза,Джоконда,Искусство,hi-res
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