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KSP Flag Kerbals KSPony Kerbal Space Program фэндомы
Lunar United National Aerospace [flag]
Lunar United National Aerospace :3
After the tenuous efforts and sacrifices of the denizens of Kerbin, a new territory is acquired for the empire. LUNA 1 landing successful. Still surprised I didn't break the engine off.
[Благодаря нескольким легким движениям, и принеся в жертву жителей Кербина, империя захватила новую территорию. ЛУНА-1 успешна приземлилась. Удивлен, что я всё таки не сломал двигатель.]
Flag sans SSTO Papillion
Warhammer 40000 Wh Песочница crossover KSP Craft KSP Mod длиннопост Wh Crossover Wh Other #Kerbal Space Program фэндомы
Командир, после недавнего варп-шторма появилась новая разновидность орков.
Мелкие, зеленые и пучеглазые. Эти огурцы уже успели занять одну планету и даже залутали Титана!
Вы только посмотрите, что эти изверги с ним сделали!
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Kerbal Space Program фэндомы
Заправшиваю помощь Кербонавтов!
Через несколько месяцев уже наступит 2022 год, а игре уже более 10 лет, и вдруг захотелось в нее вернуться, тем более вроде как игра полностью готова и больше обновляться не будет. Играл много и активно, но только на довольно ранних этапах существования игры, с миллионом багов, космическими кораблями летающими как вареные сосиски и орбитальными станциями по консистенции больше напоминающие холодец с -2FPS, что довольно сильно портило впечатления от игры.
Какой сейчас Road Map в игре? Какие моды обязательный? Может какие то обновленные гуиды стоит посмотреть? Подскажите пожалуйста, потому что все что я помню это MechJeb и Kethane
Через несколько месяцев уже наступит 2022 год, а игре уже более 10 лет, и вдруг захотелось в нее вернуться, тем более вроде как игра полностью готова и больше обновляться не будет. Играл много и активно, но только на довольно ранних этапах существования игры, с миллионом багов, космическими кораблями летающими как вареные сосиски и орбитальными станциями по консистенции больше напоминающие холодец с -2FPS, что довольно сильно портило впечатления от игры.
Какой сейчас Road Map в игре? Какие моды обязательный? Может какие то обновленные гуиды стоит посмотреть? Подскажите пожалуйста, потому что все что я помню это MechJeb и Kethane
обновление KSP News Kerbal Space Program фэндомы
Обновление! Версия 1.4.0 вышла.
Блог разработчиков - http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/Из замеченных с ходу изменений. Игра переехала на обновленный юнити движок. Полноценно проверить не смог, ибо моды еще не обновились и я не стал их включать, а без них ни один сохраненный аппарат не загрузился. Собрал из стоковых ракету на 40 деталей, запустил. И фпс меня порадовал, движок таки научился использовать больше двух ядер! По крайней мере в диспетчере задач были под заметной нагрузкой 5 из 8 ядер. Необходима дополнительная проверка коллективом, это могло быть самовнушением.
Переделали разъединители, пирокольца и баки. Привели к унифицированному виду.
Можно на ходу переключаться между вертикальной и горизонтальной сборкой
Огурцов 3го уровня и выше теперь снабжают парашютами.
Добавили раскраску деталей
Полный ChangeLog:
============== v1.4.0================
+++ Improvements
* Upgrade to Unity 2017.1.3p1
* Switch directly between VAB and SPH
* EVA Chute - Kerbals of Level 3 and above have a personal steerable chute
* Advanced Mode added to Messages App - Toggled via Settings menu.
* Added Launchsites to the Map View and Filter
* Engine Sounds updated
* Particle Engine Upgraded to Shuriken.
* VesselNaming - new method to attach naming information to command modules so you can prename portions of a vessel
+++ Localization
* Four new languages: French, German, Italian and Portuguese-Brazilian
* Added support for Portuguese keyboard layout
* List of bugfixes
Facility names are now displayed localized in unable to launch dialogs.
Resource names now display localized in screen messages and apps.
Debug and settings menus are now fully localized.
Localized pop-up warning when transmitting experiment data from parts that become inoperable if data is transmitted.
Fixed unlocalized grammar connectors (and, or, of, etc) coming up unlocalized in Contract descriptions.
Textbox size adjusted in various UI elements to account for localized text.
Fixed long vessel names bleeding through the UI in KSC vessel marker dialog.
Overall revision of display names for parts.
Overall revision and improvement of autolocs and grammar rules.
* List of KSPedia Fixes and Improvements
Corrected a wrong key binding that was displayed in the EVA controls section.
Localized key binding UI.
Localized example images for most pages.
Properly set symbols that were showing up as HTML encoding.
Overall grammar and syntax check.
* Lingoona upgraded to v1.5.6
* TextMeshPro Updated
* Localized Debug Screen
* Fix localization of KSC vessel markers
* Fix Localization of Facility names and strings
* Fix localization on sub assembly UI.
* Fix localization on category filters.
+++ Parts
New parts:
* Round radial fuel tank (R-11 'Baguette' External Tank)
* Cylindrical radial fuel tank (R-4 'Dumpling' External Tank)
* TS-37 Stack Separator
Updated Parts (changed part files):
* 2.5m RCS Tank Reskin
* Fairings’ texture
Replaced Parts - old parts hidden but still included for continuity of saves. They will be deprecated at a later date
* TR-2V Stack Decoupler ? TD-06 Decoupler
* TR-18A Stack Decoupler ? TD-12 Decoupler
* Rockomax brand decoupler ? TD-25 Decoupler
* TR-38-D ? TD-37 Decoupler
* TR-2C Stack Separator ? TS-06 Stack Separator
* TR-18D Stack Separator ? TS-12 Stack Separator
* TR-XL Stack Separator ? TS-25 Stack Separator
* ROUND-8 Toroidal Fuel Tank ? R-12 'Doughnut' External Tank
* Rockomax X200-8 Fuel Tank ? same name
* Rockomax X200-16 Fuel Tank ? same name
* Rockomax X200-32 Fuel Tank ? same name
* Rockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel Tank ? same name
* Mk 1-2 Pod ? Mk 1-3 Pod
* Parts can now have variations like textures and models
* The variants can be grouped in Themes
Other Part stuff
* Adjustments to Xenon and Monoprop capacities on stock tanks
* Parts and Vessels now have a PersistentID that lives with them for their entire life
* Add TechHidden attrib to AvailablePart so parts can be hidden from R&D
+++ Bugfixes
* Fix alignment of external scenery in VAB/SPH scenes.
* Fix runway not appearing outside the SPH doors when inside the SPH.
* Fix a bug in Warp to Next Morning
* Add guard clauses to detect invalid flightstate on vessel launch returning to the editor.
* Fix applicant hiring costs appearing in games that don’t have funding enabled.
* Improve vessel Jumping/positioning coming off rails.
* Fix asteroid seed causing them to change shape.
+++ Modding
* Make dragpanel edge offset configurable
* GameEvents added: onKerbalAddComplete, onKerbalNameChanged, onKerbalTypeChanged, onKerbalStatusChanged, onVesselPersistentIdChanged, onPartPersistentIdChanged, OnGameSettingsWritten, OnScenerySettingChanged, OnExpansionSystemLoaded, onPartUndockComplete, onPartCoupleComplete, onPartDeCouple, onPartDeCoupleComplete, onVesselDocking, onDockingComplete, onPartVesselNamingChanged, afterFlagPlanted, OnPQSCityOrientated, onEditorVesselNamingChanged, onEditorVariantApplied, onVesselRecoveryProcessingComplete.
* DictionaryValuesList updated to expose the list as well as the dictionary
KSP News Kerbal Space Program фэндомы
KSP 1.0.5 is live!
Патч припёр - как танк. Все ждали Uniti5, но всех обломали и выпустили минор с изменениями, но без нового движка.
Будет много текста на английском и небольшие комментарии для тех - кто не "шпрехает". :)
Список изменений на английском:
Contextual Contracts & Contract Changes
The contracts system has had a major overhaul with the goal of providing you with more varied and relevant contracts. Front and center in this overhaul are the contextual contracts, which adapt to your progress in the game. Contextual contracts will take your existing infrastructure consisting of bases, stations, satellites and rovers, and will challenge you to do things such as adding new modules, rotate crews, fly in a Kerbal with a specific skill, explore the surface around it, move the orbit and so on.
The goal of the integration of the contracts with your existing missions is to integrate them more in the natural gameplay. You will be asked to use what you have built already, alongside the existing contracts that mostly ask you to launch new items.
More changes can be found in the passive milestone rewards, which automatically reward you for any milestone you cross. These rewards are not only reflected in reputation gains, but also in funding and science bonuses. Higher rewards are still available to players who actively pursue a goal from a World's First contract they've accepted. New milestones are also available, targeting objectives such as space walks, crew transfer and atmospheric flights on alien worlds, and if you're not someone who spends a lot of time at mission control then a new strategy available from the Administration Building is right up your alley: leadership initiative increases the passive milestone rewards at the expense of contractual rewards, providing a boost to more independent players. Finally, the game now tracks manned and unmanned progress separately.
Если кратко, то ввели контекстно зависимые контракты. Как пример - контракт может затрагивать уже запущенные аппараты/базы.
Thermodynamic improvements
Update 1.0.5 features many improvements to the thermodynamic systems. The thermodynamics ('thermo') system has been reworked to correct the various issues encountered in 1.0.4. In addition the thermodynamics at high timewarp feature more customizability, and support differential skin-internal temperatures and non-instant changes. We've also corrected some issues with the atmospheres of other celestial bodies, and better tuned re-entry and aerobraking across the board. When loading a long-unloaded vessel, unloaded thermal changes will be applied, too.
The concept of core heat was also introduced, which in combination with various fixes should stop unexpected overheating of parts. Probably the best analogy of how this interacts with the rest of the thermal system (internal and skin temperature) would be to compare it to your computer’s case temperature, the temperature inside of the case, and the temperature of your CPU. For example, the ISRU should be capable of smelting materials, yet not melt the rocket it’s attached to. In game, this means that the ISRU works best with a core temperature of about 2000K, even if the part only has an internal temperature of 200-300K. This system allows us to be very expressive with the core temperature and simulate things such as warm-up time & overheating without it being directly coupled to the part temperature, which would become problematic as we enter analytics warp and temperatures equalize.
Пофиксили термодинамику (в который раз уже?). Больше не будет неожиданных перегревов... бла, бла, бла... Хочется верить. Плюс, если вспомнить анонс, то часть кода новой термодинамики переписывал моддер RoverDude.
New buoyancy model
The water buoyancy has been completely reworked. Water is now less soupy and it's very possible to build seaplanes. In keeping with our commitment to make the game as moddable as possible all the physics values can be tweaked in config files. The density of oceans differs across celestials bodies, invoking new gameplay challenges. The impact speed not only depends on the speed of the craft when it hits the water, but also the angle at which it hits the water.
Сделали нормальную воду. Заявляют даже, что можно строить аппараты на поплавках.
New rocket and spaceplane parts
A wide range of new and overhauled parts were introduced. The toroidal aerospike rocket engine has had an overhaul, as did the basic- and ramjet engines, the radial air intake and many mk.1 spaceplane parts. Among the new parts we find a complete working kit for mk.0 jet engines, the "Goliath" turbofan engine that would be a great fit on a large airliner and the "Vector" rocket engine, which mimics the Space Shuttle's main engines. The mk. 3 Cargo Ramp is a brand new part as well. This'll allow you to drive a payload into the back of an aircraft, or perhaps you want to create a docking bay on a space station with it! These are just some of the updated parts, we're hoping to see many new creations that incorporate them. We've also added new stock craft in the game for you to play around with.
Новые запчасти - нам на радость.
Bugfixes & Tweaks
KSP 1.0.5 has seen a big focus on bugfixes. Over 100 issues were fixed, including launch clamps following you to orbit, . And good news for anyone with a fine eye for detail: the black stripes on the NASA tanks now line up perfectly! There were of course plenty more bugs on the 'fixed list', and a more comprehensive list is available below.
Исправили кучу багов.
Подробный changelog можно прочитать тут: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/content/358-KSP-1-0-5-is-live%21